Jurnal Psikologi Wijaya Putra (Psikowipa) http://www.jurnal.uwp.ac.id/fpsi/index.php/psikowipa Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Wijaya Putra en-US Jurnal Psikologi Wijaya Putra (Psikowipa) 2747-1101 ANALISIS PENGARUH BEBAN KERJA TERHADAP TINGKAT STRES KERJA PEMBIMBING KEMASYARAKATAN DI BAPAS KELAS I BANJARMASIN http://www.jurnal.uwp.ac.id/fpsi/index.php/psikowipa/article/view/109 <p><em>Work stress is an interaction between working conditions and worker characteristics that change normal physical and psychological functions. Job stress arises as a form of individual incompatibility with the work environment. One of the factors that affect work stress is workload. This study aims to look at the effect of workload on the work stress of the social counselor of the Banjarmasin Class I Bapas. The research method used is a quantitative method with a correlational design. Data collection tools used are the Workload scale and Work Stress scale. Subject taking technique using total sampling. There are 38 subjects in total. The data analysis used is simple linear regression analysis. The results of the researchers showed that the workload affected the work stress of the community counselors of the First Class of the Banjarmasin Fathers. Workload affects work stress by 10.9% (R2=0.109; F(4.409) = sig &lt;.043). Based on these results, the research hypothesis is accepted, namely that there is an effect of workload on the work stress of community supervisors of the First Class Bapas Banjarmasin</em><em>.</em></p> Noor Cahaya Ceria Hermina ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 4 2 49 56 10.38156/psikowipa.v4i2.109 BODY DISSATISFACTION, KECEMASAN SOSIAL PADA REMAJA PEREMPUAN http://www.jurnal.uwp.ac.id/fpsi/index.php/psikowipa/article/view/105 <p><em>When interacting socially, not all teenage girls will feel safe, because in reality there are still many teenage girls who feel anxious and uncomfortable when dealing directly with their surroundings and thus experience social anxiety. One of the factors that influences it is body dissatisfaction. This research aims to determine the effect of body dissatisfaction on social anxiety in adolescent girls. High levels of body dissatisfaction can lead to serious consequences, such as eating disorders, depression, and anxiety. Additionally, social anxiety can limit social participation and affect interpersonal relationships. Sampling used the Nonprobability Sampling technique with the Incidental Sampling method. This research involved 347 teenage girls aged 12-21 years. The measuring instruments used in this research were the body dissatisfaction scale (29 items, α = 0.964) and the social anxiety scale (26 items, α = 0.922). The research results show that there is a significant influence of body dissatisfaction on social anxiety in female adolescents (p = 0.000 &lt; 0.05) with an influence size of R square = 45.4% and the direction of the relationship between the two variables is positive with a value of r = 0.674. This means that if body dissatisfaction increases, social anxiety will also increase and vice versa, if body dissatisfaction decreases, social anxiety will also decrease.</em></p> Maydela Putri Rizqi Amalia Aprianty ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 4 2 57 65 10.38156/psikowipa.v4i2.105 PERSON-JOB FIT DENGAN WORK ENGAGEMENT PADA KARYAWAN MARKETING & SALES PT.Z http://www.jurnal.uwp.ac.id/fpsi/index.php/psikowipa/article/view/121 <p><em>The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between Person Job Fit and work engagement in PT. Z. The compatibility between employees and the work they do is very important. With this compatibility, employees can carry out their work well, be immersed or have a strong attachment to their work, so that employees can stay in the company for a long time and can reduce the budget for the recruitment, selection and training process. The subject is an employee of the marketing &amp; sales division of PT. Z, totaling 32 people and aged 19-45 years. This research uses quantitative methods, sampling using purposive sampling techniques, using measuring instruments with questionnaire models on the variables of person job fit and work engagement. The results of this research show a correlation value of 0.029 &lt; 0.05, and if seen from the calculated correlation value it is 0.598 &gt; 0.362, which means that there is a relationship between Person Job Fit and work engagement in employees of the Marketing &amp; Sales Division of PT. Z. The higher a person's suitability for the job they are working on, the higher their work engagement. Matching between individuals and jobs at the start is very effective in reducing employee turnover, especially in marketing and sales functions.</em></p> Ressy Mardiyanti ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 4 2 66 75 10.38156/psikowipa.v4i2.121 KONFORMITAS TEMAN SEBAYA DENGAN PROKRASTINASI AKADEMIK PADA SISWA SMP DI SURABAYA http://www.jurnal.uwp.ac.id/fpsi/index.php/psikowipa/article/view/120 <p><em>Time management that is less effective and efficient in the learning process is one of the problems that students often experience. It is like doing fun habits or activities with friends so they ignore the assignments given, low student interest in doing teacher assignments, resulting in delaying time to do assignments known as procrastination. This study aims to determine whether there is an influence of peer conformity with academic procrastination in Muhammadiyah 14 Surabaya Junior High School students. The research subjects consisted of 42 male students and 48 female students, using the incidental method. Data were collected through questionnaires measuring peer conformity, and academic procrastination. Data analysis used simple linear regression analysis techniques with the help of the SPSS for Windows programme. The hypothesis results showed that p-value=0.008&lt;0.05, which indicates the influence of peer conformity with academic procrastination. The coefficient of determination (R square) of 0.008 shows that peer conformity has a weak effect of 0.008%, while the remaining 0.092% is influenced by other factors not examined in this study.</em> <em>the conclusion, peer conformity has a low effect on academic procrastination 0.008%, this is because there are other factors that influence academic procrastination besides peer conformity and can be used as a study for further researchers.</em></p> Ilham Yusril Ramadhan Firsty Oktaria Grahani Ardianti Agustin ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-10-31 2023-10-31 4 2 76 83 10.38156/psikowipa.v4i2.120 PENGARUH HARGA DIRI TERHADAP PERILAKU KONSUMTIF PADA MAHASISWA DI BANJARMASIN http://www.jurnal.uwp.ac.id/fpsi/index.php/psikowipa/article/view/111 <p><em>This research aims to determine the influence of self-esteem on consumer behavior among students in Banjarmasin. The population in this study were students in the city of Banjarmasin. Data were collected using two scales, namely, the 31-item Consumer Behavior Scale (α= 0.955) and the 21-item Self-Esteem Scale (α= 0.918). The research subjects were students in Banjarmasin with a total of 200 subjects and the sample was determined using non-probability sampling using purposive sampling. Based on data analysis in this research through statistical testing using the Pearson product moment correlation technique, it can be concluded that there is a positive and significant influence between self-esteem and consumer behavior in students. The results of this research are that there is a significant influence between self-esteem and consumer behavior. The coefficient of determination (R square) is 0.281 with a value (Sig.) of 0.000, meaning that there is an influence between the influence of self-esteem on consumer behavior of 28%, which means 72% is influenced by other factors.</em></p> Sulistia Fahrunnisa Imani Lita Ariani ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2023-11-09 2023-11-09 4 2 84 91 10.38156/psikowipa.v4i2.111